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Label:disc over
After generating a serious amount of hype back in his breakthrough year of 2010 when taste making were falling over themselves to tip him for big things Tim Green has gone on to forge a reputation as one of the most innovative producers in the scene today with a series of productions that have propelled him into the upper ranks of the techno hierarchy. Now a globe-trotting artist in his own right, the young Londoner has decided to expand his portfolio with the undertaking new venture as he reveals plans for the launch of his new imprint, Disc Over. Billed as being" neoteric in concept", the idea behind the new label is to provide an exciting platform from which Tim will unleash some of his most colourful musical creations, and afford him the opportunity to be considerably more diverse in his musical output, showcasing a meticulously curated selection of work from up-and-comers and, of course, his peers. Set to be an extension of Tim's personality and current tastes, Disc Over promises to be a sound foundation for forward-thinking music as Tim explains 'My main reason for starting Disc Over is to give myself and others a solid platform to release new and interesting electronic music.It's aimed to be an extension to whatever sound or style that I am into, as an added reflection on my current tastes in music. Especially releasing music from a lot of new talent and good close friends, as well as music from myself that may not always fit into other labels sound or direction."
