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Last in:29.08.2014
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Last in:29.08.2014
Metaboman and Large M - G and B
Monkey Maffia - Gladis
Kadebostan & Laolu - I Need To Feel Something
Juno6 - Seq02
What began in the mid-90's, initiated by the event-organizer duo Sperling & Mauss, in Jena as an event series by the name of "Freude am Tanzen" has long been the best-known platform for electronic music on the Saale river. In the meantime there are over sixty releases, a subsidiary label (Musik Krause) and in-house booking agency. With 16 years in, the still young enterprise Freude am Tanzen is on the way from adolescence to adulthood. Yet in spite of tightly organized structures, fortunately boredom has not set in, and this is proven with the jubilee compilation SIX10 Jahre Freude am Tanzen. "For us it's all about a small forum to present our artists and thereby a view into the musical diversity", this from FAT-head Thomas Sperling regarding the newest compilation. "It would be too easy to take the best tracks from 16 years of Freude am Tanzen and pack them into a sampler" he explains as the reasoning being SIX10 being no 'best-of' but rather chock full with new tracks. Still, the question begs, why for the 16th year? "We decided against round numbered anniversaries because everyone does that", says Sperling. "It doesn't really matter if it's 10, 15 or 16 years. Perhaps the next one is the 23rd. A nice prime number full of meaning. Incidentally you can't even come in a techno club with 16 years, but the first beer is good to go." Okay then, Cheers! A toast to sixteen years of Freude am Tanzen and likewise many new tracks from almost every artist Metaboman and Large M bring their slamming house sound like they tend to do, to the stage. Meanwhile Monkey Maffia comes with a souled and divine essence; an inviting piano melody that just ham- mers. The Swiss compatriots Kadebostan & Laolu draw a hearty acid bath with deep and dark vocals as well as stomach churning and massaging kicks. Then Juno6 from Leipzig comes with "Seq02" and shuts it down by essentially spelling out d-e-e-p-n-e-s-s. More